14 maj 2019 — The XpertHR Podcast (UK) we discuss its continuing importance for HR and the potential impact of Brexit on transfers of personal data.


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In dienst zijn In dienst zijn Arbo Belonen & beoordelen Re-integratie Mar 10, 2021 The· Webinar You can listen to it on Xpert HR. XpertHR also publishes a wide range of Brexit content available on its website to help companies  Louise is part of Brexit Steering Committee and has been instrumental in delivering Fragomen and Xpert HR Webinar - Brexit: Future-Proof your Workforce. Mar 9, 2021 Brexit and the coronavirus pandemic have stalled employment law changes in recent years, but some of these could be resurrected in 2021. Listen to The XpertHR Podcast (UK) on Spotify. Bringing you must-have 23:44 · 6. Getting to grips with Brexit following the end of the transition period.

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UK: Employee rights. Updating author: Jo Broadbent, Hogan Lovells International LLP Original author and consultant author: Darren Newman See the legal services provided by the updating author of XpertHR International > United Kingdom, including any discounts/offers for subscribers.. Summary. The Government has introduced measures in response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. 2021-1-4 · XpertHR has updated its coronavirus section with new resources for HR on vaccinations for staff, which includes a model policy and letter. Organisations can use the model policy to provide employees with information on the national COVID-19 vaccination programme and encourage them to be vaccinated when the opportunity arises. XpertHR, June 2019.

Listen to The XpertHR Podcast (UK) on Spotify. Bringing you must-have 23:44 · 6.

Brexit. Prime Minister Theresa May invoked art.50 of the Treaty on European Union on 29 March 2017 and gave notice to the European Council of the UK's intention to withdraw from the EU. On 2 February 2017, the Government published a White Paper: The United Kingdom's exit from and new partnership with the European Union.

Maar vooral figuurlijk, omdat het onderwerp HR gewoon (nog) niet interesseert. Dat blijkt uit onderzoek van de AWVN . In Mijn XpertHR kun je je voorkeuren aanpassen, zodat je zelf bepaalt hoe je ideale homepage eruit ziet, welke onderwerpen voor jou interessant zijn, hoe vaak je nieuwsbrieven wilt ontvangen en welke nieuwsbrieven dat zijn. Als je niet weet hoe het werkt, bekijk dan de instructievideo .

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XpertHR - which collects details of pay settlements for around 1,600 employee groups each year - said it sampled 91 pay awards in the three months to the end of August covering almost 1.4 million

Summary. Direct and indirect discrimination in access to employment is prohibited on various grounds.

View the full article today Register to read this article. Brexit alert. Changes to this model document may be required as a result of Brexit developments.
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Voor informatie over het afsluiten van een abonnement of voor vragen over je huidige abonnement (bijvoorbeeld over het aanpassen van gebruikerslicenties) kun je contact opnemen met XpertHR Sales. sales@xperthr.nl.

Speaker, “Webinar: Brexit - how to prepare for the removal of free movement 2016-8-26 · About XpertHR XpertHR is the UK’s leading online resource for employment law, HR good practice and benchmarking, bringing together everything HR professionals need to stay compliant with legislation changes, operate cost-effectively and maintain a competitive edge. To access more articles like this visit XpertHR and register for a free trial. Italy: Recruitment and selection. Original author: Massimo Pallini Updating author: Luciano Racchi Consultant author: Claudia Pengue, BFEA See the legal services provided by the authors/consultant editors of XpertHR International > Italy, including any discounts/offers for subscribers..
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XpertHR said concerns about Brexit and profits were the main factors pushing down on the pay that businesses were willing to offer, while staff retention and a desire to keep pay rates competitive In this week's podcast, we discuss how EU employment law is incorporated into UK employment law and look at the potential employment law implications of a Brexit. We look at the role of the European Court of Justice in domestic employment law as well as the areas of UK employment law that might be in the firing line if the UK votes in favour of leaving the EU on 23 June. Presenter Ellie Gelder Listen to this episode from The XpertHR Podcast (UK) on Spotify. Louise Haycock, a senior manager at Fragomen and updating author at XpertHR, outlines where all things Brexit stand as of now for employers, what the end of free movement will mean for current and future employees from the European Economic Area and the implications of a "no deal" Brexit.

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The end of the Brexit transition period - what employers need to know Immigration solicitor Louise Haycock details what employers need to know with the end of the Brexit transition on December 31 2020, including the new points-based immigration system that came into force on 1 December.

A transition period was in place  We last wrote about Brexit in February 2020, just weeks before the world was turned especially now that the Brexit transition period is over and the countdown to the EU Croners, Equality and Human Rights Commission, IDS and Xpert to employment law in Argentina," (leading online resource in the UK), XpertHR; Co-Author, "Pensions Global Guide Q&As for Argentina", Thomson Reuters. Feb 21, 2020 Gerald Maatman was interviewed February 18th on the XpertHR Podcast, " Podcast: Why Class Action Employment Cases Are on the Rise." Annabel has been advising employers on the implications of Brexit since before the author for immigration matters on the employment law website XpertHR. Nov 23, 2020 According to XpertHR, the forecast pay rise for 2021 is 1%, but of 24% of businesses stated Brexit uncertainty would also be having an  In Mijn XpertHR kun je je voorkeuren aanpassen, zodat je zelf bepaalt hoe je ideale homepage eruit ziet, welke onderwerpen voor jou interessant zijn, hoe vaak  in dealing with disruption caused by the coronavirus pandemic, according to research by XpertHR. HR industry skills gap concerns exacerbated by Brexit. http://www.equalityhumanrights.com National Statistics www.statistics.gov.uk http://www.statistics.gov.uk XpertHR - www.xperthr.co.uk http://www.xperthr.co.uk   We want to be the best company for our customers and as a result we know our customers and their needs. However, in 2017, XpertHR found that resignations  De brexit is de uittreding van het Verenigd Koninkrijk van Groot-Brittannië en Noord-Ierland (hierna: VK) uit de Europese Gemeenschap (hierna: EU). Het tijdstip  Mar 4, 2020 Dec 9, 2020 | 0. Preparing for Brexit with three weeks to go.

Jul 28, 2016 A month after the Brexit vote, the latest signals of a sharp economic had become the norm, according to XpertHR, an online human resources 

Belgium: Pay and benefits.

And I’ve put ‘imposed by Brussels’ in inverted commas. It’s important to realise that our relationship with European Union law is quite a complicated and quite symbiotic one. It’s not that Brussels simply With 29 March fast approaching, we talk to Louise Haycock, a director and immigration solicitor at Fragomen, about what employers should be doing to prepare for all Brexit scenarios. Louise discusses the potential implications for employers of the various parliamentary outcomes, including the following: the impact on EU citizens working in the UK and vice versa; managing international By XpertHR on 27 Jan 2021 in Brexit, Right to work, Webinars, Latest News, Business travel, Immigration Yau Ming Low / Shutterstock From an HR perspective, the end of the Brexit transition period means getting to grips with the new immigration rules (which apply to job applicants from all countries, including those within Europe) and understanding the impact of Brexit on existing employment law. In the UK, 1 January 2021 is arguably a bigger milestone than Brexit. Deal: No change until 2021 European nationals residing in the UK by 31 December 2020 will need to have made an application under the EU Settlement Scheme by 30 June 2021. Europeans nationals entering on or after 01 January 2021 in order to work The possible impact of a Brexit By XpertHR.