1) ODIN Nordens benchmark är sedan 00.12.31, VINX Benchmark Cap NOK NI. För perioden -3,82%. BENCHMARK: MSCI World Net Small Cap Index i NOK.


VINX Benchmark Cap Net är nordiskt aktieindex som beräknas av OMX, Nokia Oyj. FI. 11 370. 6,16. 6,16. Opera Software ASA. NO. 2 065. 1,12. 1,12.

31.03.2021. Vekst av 1 000 (NOK), Mer detaljert graf Fondets referanseindeks er VINX Benchmark Net Index Capped. Forvaltningen preges av høy aktiv  Fund Indices - 1-year, 3-year, 5-year returns for the MSCI, FTSE, Citigroup, Lehman Brothers, and JP Morgan indices. 29.

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Marine Harvest. NOK. Oslo. 2 091 006. 119,60. 198 320. 250 084.

Fonden är lämpligt för privatpersoner och företag som vill ha aktiv förvaltning bland nordiska bolag, och som tolererar fluktuationer som fondinvesteringar medför. Fondens startår: 1991-03-18 Fondens Bolag: Storebrand Fonder FondStorlek: 2748,66 milj NOK benchmark index is to reduce administrative routines and costs due to continuous review of the portfolio and secure tradability of the Index in order for the index to function as an Shares investible benchmark for the investment community. In the second group we find the VINX Benchmark-, Small Cap- and Tradable Indexes.

VINX Benchmark Cap NOK NI ODIN Finland 27.12. MSCI Europe net Index USD ODIN Europa SMB 2 15.11. MSCI World Net Index ODIN Global SMB 4

Benchmark Cap SEK_NI (VINXBCAPSEKNI) 50% och MSCI. All Country World Index Net 50%. Eftersom fonden är  Vertailuindeksi: MSCI Europe Net Total Return EUR. Säästöpankki Eurooppa - NOK Osakkeet yhteensä: 1 702 118,88.

Vinx benchmark net index nok

Find the latest information on VINX Benchmark Cap NOK_NI (^VINXBCAPNOKNI) including data, charts, related news and more from Yahoo Finance

The benchmark is the VINX  Benchmark: VINX Benchmark Net Index Capped NOK. * Share class: Norden C. DNB Grønt Norden. + 28.79% YTD. VINX Index. VINX Benchmark Net Index  NBP Norwegian Government Duration 0,25 Index NOK. ST1X. GOV. BONDS INDEX 50% VINX Benchmark Cap Net Index / 50% ST4X. NO0010817745. The Fund's performance will be measured against the VINX.

They are available in the currencies DKK, EUR, ISK, NOK and SEK, as well in price (PI), gross (GI) and net (NI) versions. For customised VINX Indices please contact index-team@euronext.com.
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referensindex under samma tidsperiod var -1,5 procent. • Fondens Prissättning av den nordiska aktiemarknaden– OMX VINX Benchmark Capped 111.10. NOK. Net debt (mill.) 804,879. NOK. Enterprise Value (mill.) 985,839. 1.00.

Added constituents: Axfood AB (AXFO) D. Carnegie & Co AB B (DCAR B) DFDS (DFDS) Kemira Oyj (KRA1V) Latour, Investmentab. ser. B (LATO B) Index Product information VINX Benchmark Semi-Annual Evaluation Results***UPDATE*** Update 11/27/2020: The proforma in the notice is revised for the recent corporate actions in SWEC B, KLOV B and NET B. The semi-annual review of the VINX Benchmark has now been completed. The new composition will be effective as of Dec 1, 2020.
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Index Product information VINX Benchmark Semi-Annual Evaluation Results***UPDATE*** Update 11/27/2020: The proforma in the notice is revised for the recent corporate actions in SWEC B, KLOV B and NET B. The semi-annual review of the VINX Benchmark has now been completed. The new composition will be effective as of Dec 1, 2020.

kapital(m) 08.04.2021 NOK 2154,53: Maks kjøpsavg -Løpende kostnader 01.02.2021 0,24% inception in July 2012, the fund has returned 297.1% versus 270.7% for the fund’s benchmark (VINX Nordic Net in NOK). The largest positive contributors to fund performance in February were Lerøy Seafood, Metso Outotec and Stora Enso. Lerøy’s Q4 report beat market expectations as costs in Sjøtroll, its Western Norwegian operations, declined. Fakta. Forvaltningskapital. NOK 2 236 mill. Tegningsbeløp.

31. joulukuu 2020 +0.6 %. -8.3 %. -0.1 %. -8.0 %. -14.6 %. -7.3 %. * VINX Benchmark Net Index EUR Tanskan kruunu (DKK). Euro (EUR). Norjan kruunu (NOK) 

Juli 2020 Equity Index (VINX Benchmark Cap Net Index) verwendet. Die Referenzwährung des Teilfonds ist NOK. Die Währung der Ak enklasse ist EUR. The actual composition of the benchmark portfolio consists of indices from the arise, when converting the foreign exchange value of the Fund to Norwegian kroner, the main index of the Oslo Stock Exchange (OSEBX), whilst VINX Benc 14. des 2020 KLP Aksje Norge Index II er billigst med en årlig forvaltningskostnad på 0,18 prosent. DNB Norden Indeks A, 100, 0,20, VINX Benchmark Cap Storebrand Global Indeks Valutasikret A, 100, 0,35, MSCI World Net Hdg NOK. mulig risikojustert avkastning over tid.

Share class A was launched in 2018. Past performance has been calculated in NOK. Class A VINX Benchmark Net Index Capped PRACTICAL INFORMATION VINX Benchmark VINX Benchmark Cap VINX (All-share) Sector indices are level 1 and level 2 in the ICB model. All indices are calculated in EUR, SEK, NOK, ISK, DKK with exception from VINX30 which is only calculated in EUR. All indices are also calculated as total return, net total return and price indices, with exception from NASDAQ OMX Nordic 120 Net Index NASDAQ OMX Nordic 120 SEK NASDAQ OMX Nordic 120 SEK Net Index VINX Benchmark NOK NI VINX Benchmark NOK PI VINX Benchmark SEK GI VINX Equity Indexes The VINX indexes are available in the currencies DKK, EUR, ISK, NOK and SEK, as well in price (PI), gross (GI) and net Key Features VINX 30 (VINX30) VINX Benchmark Cap Net Index EUR (VBCEUN) VINX Benchmark Cap Net Index NOK (VBCNKN) VINX Benchmark Cap Net Index SEK (VBCSKN) VINX Benchmark Cap Price Index EUR (VBCEUP) VINX Benchmark Cap Price Index NOK (VBCNKP) VINX Benchmark Gross Index SEK (VBSKG) VINX Benchmark Net Index NOK (VBNKN) VINX Benchmark Price Index EUR (VBEUP) Fondet forvaltes aktivt, og benytter Delphi-metoden som kombinerer tradisjonell fundamental analyse med trendanalyse. Porteføljen består normalt av 25-40 store, mellomstore og små selskaper innenfor minimum fem sektorer. Fondet har UCITS status, og referanseindeks er VINX Benchmark Cap Net. For mer informasjon, se fondets prospekt. eine Anlage in den skandinavischen VINX Benchmark Capital Price Index NOK hätten Investoren eine jährliche Mehrrendite von 5,23%, in EUR gerechnet, erzielt.